Comments on: Seeking (Non) Parenting Advice The Shopping Bags, Anna Wallner and Kristina Matisic, share product tests, shopping tips, and top picks on everything from mascara to the family car. Find out which products get the A and K Stamp of Approval! Fri, 29 May 2015 22:29:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry Lisser Sun, 22 Mar 2015 02:48:00 +0000 What I think you really to do is practice with older kids to get ready. So I’m sending my two teenagers for the summer. You’ll love them. Going on 14 and 16 I can say parenting has never been so complicated as now. In particular the 13 yr-old girl. There should be support groups… PS. great conversation to start. We now share rides, apartments, and our lives with strangers. We should share or at least exchange parenting challenges and successes more often.

By: Diana Sat, 21 Mar 2015 12:48:00 +0000 Hi Anna…..alot of what you are doing already is ‘bang-o’n….did the same things/felt the same way alot of the time when my kids were that age. Just keep doing what you are doing. You will make mistakes along the ‘teen-ager road’, but hey, don’t we all!?! Continue to be true to yourself….they can smell a fake a mile away (didn’t you say something about them being like animals??). Be a friend, they’ve already got a mom…sometimes they just need a cool adult friend, someone who knows their parents & can maybe explain why they behave, in their young minds, like crazy, unreasonable dictators, all while giving them a listening ear and hopefully, if the opportunity presents itself, a
more subtle nudge down the right path.
Enjoy these years along the ‘teenager-road’….its worth every step…and sometimes, detour, along the way!
