Your Best Halloween Costume
Halloween is just two weeks away! If you still haven't figured out your costume (because you are dressing up, right?) read on for some ideas and guidance for ensuring you're the scariest monster on the street.
When brainstorming possibilities, consider the year that was. World events, movies and pop culture are jumping off points for idea generation. Then consider your personal circumstances; will you dress up as a single or part of a couple or group (which always makes the most impact. That is, an entire squad of cheerleaders versus just one. Can’t you just see it?)
Where and how you’ll be celebrating All Hallow’s Eve is a factor. Will it be cold or hot? Do you need a coat? Will your costume allow you to sit? Dance? Comfort is key. And how easy will it be to visit the bathroom?
Halloween seems to become an excuse for some women to dress like tarts. And that’s fine – perhaps the french maid represents your alter ego – but such an approach can be a bit overdone and obvious. Cute and the right amount of sexy is a good way to go. And the opposite is true too. Don’t expect to get asked for many dances if you’re dressed like a garbage can.
With makeup, again, think about how it will wear over the course of an evening. A sweaty party and many of hours dancing later means your look might be smudged when you don’t want it to be. This is especially true for men. Men in makeup is just not something I want to see. Ever. But that’s just me.
Finally, before deciding on a costume practise your good taste. This is supposed to be about being fun and creative. So, Donald Trump good; Syrian refugee bad.
The following is my list for the top costume themes we can expect to see this October 31st. May it trigger a few ideas to make them your own.
- Donald Trump (very easy to pull off)
- Kaitlyn Jenner
- The Toronto Blue Jays (depending on what happens next)
- Adult Minions
- Mad Max (I’m leaning toward this one for myself. Will I muster the courage to shave my head? Doubtful.)
- The many incarnations of Miley Cyrus (A great group theme)
- A Volkswagon (Get creative. See note above about comfort)