Viviscal Hair Supplements – Do They Work?
About eight months ago I read an article that mentioned Viviscal, a supplement designed to tackle the very same hair problems I have been plagued by – frequent breakage, loss and thinning hair.
In the article, a California dermatologist was quoted recommending it, claiming that many Hollywood celebrities (including Gwnyeth Paltrow, who’s quoted on the website) take Viviscal and swear by it.
The product is “drug-free” and according to the literature contains “the exclusive Marine Complex AminoMar CTM which helps to nourish thinning hair and promote healthy hair from within.” Viviscal also contains a blend of vitamins and minerals (including silica, biotin and a hefty dose of vitamin C) that are supposed to promote healthy hair growth and limit hair loss. Here’s a good rundown and analysis of the ingredient list.
The dosage is two pills a day for those under 80 kg and three pills for those over. After six to eight months, you can knock that down to one pill. There’s also a Viviscal for men that’s a slightly different formulation, most notably, it doesn’t contain iron.
I’m not the most diligent of pill poppers and sometimes I forgot to take them all together. But when I run my hands through my hair, I do feel like I have more of it. And I’ve been seeing these little sprouts at my hairline which I’m told are new growth. (Trust me, they’re there!)
It’s not a dramatic change, but it’s something. One thing I am sure of is that my nails are stronger. They used to break and peel and now they rarely do either and they seem to grow very quickly. (My friend who has only been taking them for a short time is experiencing similar results.)
A word of warning, the product is not recommended for those allergic to soy or fish. Hence, not a good option for vegans or vegetarians either. Another downside is the price: a one-month supply of 60 tablets is $60. Yup, a buck a pop! But considering how much I’ve spent on other hair fortification methods, I feel it’s worth it.
You can order Viviscal online or for those living in Canada, you can find it at Shoppers Drug Mart. If you order via the company’s website, they often have special offers, like a three month supply of pills and a small shampoo and conditioner, both which I found a bit lack luster.
I haven’t experienced any side effects. I have gained a few pounds but I should likely blame the cookies and not the Viviscal.
Am I 100%, stake my life on it, convinced that it’s working? No. But I think it is. And since perception is everything, that’s all that matters!
If you’ve tried Viviscal, I’d love to hear from you on whether you’ve noticed a change to your hair.