Valentine’s Day Roundup
You can bury your head in the sand, maintain it's a hallmark holiday, proclaim death to love, but you aren't going to be able to avoid it. Valentine's day cometh!
Luckily in this age of information onslaught, getting ideas about what to do – or not to do – is pretty easy.
Take this article from Time.com. It has some real doozies about things to avoid. A glass of champagne, dinner and learning about how animals get it on? The true meaning of a beast with two backs. No thanks.
If extravagance is what you’re after, check out these over the top gifts, including a bottle of perfume that goes for $215k! Did you know that Angelina once got Brad a 200 year old olive tree for $18k? It must be a really bad fight if you can’t just extend the olive branch and need to buy the whole tree.
According to this survey courtesy Bustle.com, men usually go the tried and true route (did we need a survey to figure this out?) choosing jewellery, chocolates and flowers, the latter which tops the list for most ages and wage levels.
As for what men want, you may want to read this chat on reddit. Or, maybe you don’t. One idea these guys had is replacing Valentine’s day with a second Thanksgiving. And let me guess who has to do the cooking on second Thanksgiving too!!!
I’ll be honest, I do like to give and receive a little something on Valentine’s day. Not flowers, they’re so overpriced it stinks. What I’d really love is for my honey to bake me a cake. He never cooks, let alone bakes, so this would be a seriously grand gesture. I’m thinking about sending him some inspiration like Nutella stuffed brownies or this red velvet oreo truffle cake. Now that’s what I call love.