The 20-minute workout?
I just shook my bootie in the name of fitness. To be totally accurate, I stood on a machine and it did the shaking for me!
It’s called Whole Body Vibration (WBV) Fitness and it’s offered at Pure Vibe in Vancouver. It promises to help with weight loss, muscle tone, cellulite, circulation and even flexibility, all in a 10-minute workout. (Though at Pure Vibe, the sessions are 20 minutes.) Sign me up!
You stand on a machine with a vibrating platform that moves at from 6 to 28 hertz. The machine sends energy waves into your body making it vibrate. And I mean ssshhhhaaakkkkke. You then do a variety of exercises while on the machine, like squats, lunges, sit-ups and push-ups. Before you know it, you’re done!
When I stepped on the machine, my first thought was, I’m going to be sick. This is may not be the best fit for those with motion sickness. I did get more accustomed to the movement over the course of the workout, but I still felt a bit woozy on my way home. (That in and of itself is a deal breaker for me.)
The theory is that the machine’s vibrations de-stabilize your body, forcing muscles to work harder than by simply doing exercises on solid ground. I would say it made the leg exercises and push-ups a bit harder. Abs didn’t do it for me as the machine limits range of motion and I don’t see much benefit in terms of cardio.
It also claims to send heat into your body and muscles and joints operate better when they’re warmed up. No argument there. But 20 minutes of lunges warms me up, machine or not.
That said, anything that gets you off the couch is a plus, and 20 minutes is better than no minutes. If you are just beginning a workout program, this low impact regimen could be for you, but fitter folks may not find it challenging enough. Plus, if you are a gym rat like I am, you’re likely familiar with enough moves to be able to duplicate a similar workout on terra firma.
Have you tried a WBV? Do you feel you got a good workout out of it? Let us know!
The variety of machines available from Hypervibe