Skin, Hair, Dogs and other blog updates
I've had a few emails and questions via social media about a number of blog posts and the status of various products I was testing out. Here are some answers to your most FAQs.
I’ve chronicled my ongoing quest for thicker hair in this space quite extensively. The journey has taken me from clip-in hair pieces, to sewn-in hair extensions and now back again.
I had the sewn-in extensions taken out about three weeks ago. Unlike the last time I tried this, I was fully prepared for the thinness that was going to meet me in the mirror and I can proudly say, this time, there were no tears!
No extensions
I took them out not because they had done any damage but because I needed a break. They’re fairly expensive to maintain and as we’re not shooting any shows, there was really no need to have camera-ready hair at all times.
Now when I go out for anything beyond a dog walk or grocery shop, I put in the clip-in extensions. It’s quick and easy and nothing beats the feeling of taking them out and giving my scalp a good scratch!
With clip-ins (Yes, it’s darker now. That’s another story.)
Is it goodbye to sewn-in extensions forever? Likely not. Keep you posted. I should add that I’ve started using Viviscal, vitamins that are designed to promote hair health. After I finish the recommended trial, I’ll give you an update.
At the beginning of this year I started testing the Silkn’s Flash and Go at home laser hair removal system. As I stated then, I wasn’t finding the product overly effective. After the blog came out, the company contacted me and advised me to keep using it. Eight months in, I can say that the hair under my arms is almost gone. (Minus a few strays.) However, the hair in the bikini line area doesn’t want to budge.
I’ll spare you a picture of my underarm.
I wrote about breez, Vancouver’s new shopping app in June. It’s a place to buy and sell used stuff, much like Craigslist or eBay.
I’ve posted quite a few things on the app but nothing sold. Has anyone else had much luck?
I predict that shoes, bags and housewares will do much better than clothing items: it’s quite hard to judge how something will fit from an iPhone snap. That’s why I’m opting to take some of my fall pieces to my local second hand store instead. I think people need to see, feel and try before they’ll be inclined to buy, especially used goods like these.
That said, I still check breez regularly, always hoping to find that treasure. There have been some great furniture pieces posted lately.
I still swear by Latisse, the eyelash growth product. (Six years and counting.) I’m perhaps not as diligent about using it as I once was, dabbing it on only a couple of times a week. Until I see those lashes diminishing, then I go into full panic mode and start using it religiously again.
I use Clarisonic face washing brush at least a few times a week. (Three years now.) I definitely feel that it gives me a deeper clean than washing my face with a cleanser. I advise changing the brush head frequently (3-4 months) and giving the entire unit a good clean every one in a while. I keep mine in my shower caddy and it can get a bit gunky.
My go-to self tanning product is still Jergens (as it’s pretty tough to mess up the application) and I still use Aveeno face products and skin creams.
Ruby in my bed (not the sick bed, thankfully!)
And I’m saving the most important update for last. My little moppet is doing well, no recent back flare-ups. I try to limit her jumping and stair activity and so far, so good.
If you have any questions about previous blogs and products covered in this space, please drop me a line below.