Recliners are comfortable and inviting chairs, but are often the bulkiest in the room. Recently, however, designers have re-created the recliner with style and space-saving in mind. We check out some of these new options.
The Basics
The chair should support the natural curve of your spine.
The head rest should hit you above the base of the skull, in a spot that won’t result in neck kinks.
The arm rests should be at the right level for your arms so that you’re not scrunching your shoulders or feeling like your arms are too low.
Check the depth of the chair so that when you’re sitting comfortably your feet can reach the ground.
Your body weight should be enough to move the recliner into its desired position without requiring a big push off.
Upholstery can tell you a lot about a piece of furniture: the foam should be around 4 inches thick in the seat and about 3 inches in the back for optimal comfort.
Other Considerations
Space: because recliners recline, they can take up almost double the space of a non-reclining chair. Generally a recliner needs at least a foot of space behind, and about two feet in front.
If you’re set on a recliner but lack the space, look for a “wall saver” model that only needs about four inches behind the chair.
Leather is always considered the strongest and most durable upholstery fabric; it’s easy to clean too.
Be Aware
If you don’t see something you like and end up making a custom order, be prepared to wait up to three months or more.
We invited a couple of comfort-seeking professional NHL hockey coaches to kick back with us and test these recliners:
- La-Z-Boy Forte: $599
- Berkline Madison: $999
- Natuzzi Elba: $1,599
- La-Z-Boy Corbin: $2,183
Our tests and results include:
Comfort Test
The deluxe La-Z-Boy Corbin was popular with its handheld programmable heat and massage functions all designed to keep you as comfortable as possible; but the price wasn’t as popular.
The Natuzzi chair looked great, but didn’t provide the comfort of a traditional recliner.
The Berkline wrapped function and style into one perfectly comfortable package.
The unanimous vote went to the Berkline for its function, style and comfort in one.