Pink Is My Favourite Colour
According to various online sources (redcross.ca, bullyingstatistics.org), Canadian teachers rate cyber bullying as their issue of highest concern (out of six listed options). Further, approximately 58% of kids and teens say they have had something negative said about or to them online. And 35% of kids say they've been threatened online.
February 25th is Pink Shirt Day in Canada. Also known as Anti-bullying Day, it is celebrated on various dates around the world when everyone is encouraged to wear a pink shirt (or purple or blue, depending on the location) to take a stand against bullying.
Pink Shirt Day was started by two high school students in Nova Scotia who bought and distributed 50 pink shirts after a boy was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. I’d like to give all three of those kids a high-five.
The internet can be a particularly negative place. Negativity can lower self esteem and create bullying behaviour. In the coming days as Pink Shirt Day approaches, let’s change that! If you want to get involved, then just #PinkItForward.
Here’s what to do:
From now until February 25th, post a photo of someone special on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. It could be a friend, teammate, colleague, family member or even someone you just met. Then add the caption below and fill in the blanks with their name and why’re they’re awesome:
Twitter: For #PinkShirtDay, I appreciate <name of friend> because <why they’re awesome>. Now it’s your turn to #PinkItForward
Instagram or Facebook: For #PinkShirtDay, I’m helping to stop bullying by turning the internet into a positive place. I #PinkItForward to <name of friend> for <why they’re awesome>. Now it’s your turn!
Remember to tag that person so they can also #PinkItForward. It’s that easy. And keep this in mind – every time someone spreads the kindness by using #PinkItForward, Coast Capital Savings will donate $1 to Pink Shirt Day (up to $45,000!)
Thanks everybody. Let’s #PinkItForward!!!