Penny Wise: Checking Out the Checkout
Whether youíve found some great deals or are just picking up a couple of essentials, thereís always the downer part of the shopping trip: time to pay up. Whatever youíre buying, keep a close eye on that register, especially during sales and busy times.
Read Your Receipt
Pricing inaccuracies are common. One recent study found that 40% of consumers experience an inaccuracy at least once a year! And that’s only people who notice.
Mistakes happen when an item goes on sale and either the price tag or the cash register hasn’t been updated. Pricing discrepancies are most common during busy shopping times like weekends and holidays, when price scanners are involved, and at large retail chains and department stores where items often go on sale and prices change frequently.
Retailers must honour advertised prices, so keep a watchful eye on that price tag and what you’re actually charged at the cash register.
But it works both ways. Speak up if something was missed, or even when you’ve been given too much change. You don’t want to mess with good shopping karma!
Have you got checkout and shopping tips or stories to share? Post your comments below!