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Happy Holidays!

Here’s wishing you and yours a very merry holiday season!  I look forward to continuing the conversation in 2016. Anna… — Read More —

Back to School

Do you ever feel like you're getting a bit dim? Like you aren't using your brain enough? Over the years I’ve taken classes in order to spur those little grey cells, mainly in areas of personal interest – wine tasting, dancing, improv – but I had been out of a formal education system for almost as long as I was in it. — Read More —

For the Love of Vinyl

On the A&K Christmas gift ideas list last month we included a turntable. As in, for records. The vinyl ones. You remember those, don't you? — Read More —

Navigating the All-Inclusive

When it comes to the quick tropical getaway, I’m partial to the all-inclusive. For the uninitiated, you pay one price, which covers your airfare, accommodations, food and drink. Some activities are usually included, but trips to the spa or excursions off the property are extra. — Read More —


How to Salt (and Not Pepper)

Ever notice how much better food from a restaurant can taste, compared to your own home cooking? And I'm talking in comparison to the amateur who actually knows how to follow a recipe. The reason for your cooking missing that certain WOW factor may be simpler than you think. — Read More —

New Year’s Resolutions 2015

I’m proud to say that I kept most of last year's resolutions (see below). The key is not setting yourself up for failure. Think baby steps. — Read More —

What to Watch in 2015

As the final moments of the holiday season are upon us and many look to a month of cutting back, (food, booze, spending) it's the perfect time for sofa surfing and some serious binge watching on the old 'tele. Given your choices for fantastic TV viewing now and in the coming weeks, the sofa might be where you stay. — Read More —


Sandwich of the Year

While recovering from a Christmas party this week, I got a hankering for a BLT sandwich. But darn it, I had no tomatoes. As I peered into the fridge for a plan B I spied a jar of pickles at the back and suddenly, I just had to have one. It didn't make any sense. — Read More —

Happy Holidays!

It's the question heard round the world - "So, are you all ready for Christmas?" — Read More —

Will The Real Santa Please Stand up

This is the weekend many parents will be wrapping presents and hiding them from children in closets and under the bed, in preparation for the arrival of the big man in red next week. It got me thinking about how many kids really, truly believe in the story of Santa Claus. Because as I look back on my own childhood, I know I never did. — Read More —

Kristina’s Top Reads of 2014

If there is one thing I couldn't live without, it's books. (Ruby, you didn't hear that I hope?) I get anxious if I don't have one on the go, and unless I'm dead tired, it's my favourite way to unwind and prepare for sleep. — Read More —