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Happy Holidays!

Here’s wishing you and yours a very merry holiday season!  I look forward to continuing the conversation in 2016. Anna… — Read More —

Oscar Fashions – Male Edition

We've heard about the dresses (Jennifer Aniston rocks it again), John Travolta obsessions with Idina's Menzel's face and Neil Patrick Harris tepid performance as host at this year's Oscars. But one thing we haven't dissected nearly enough is what the GUYS were wearing! — Read More —

Pink Is My Favourite Colour

According to various online sources (redcross.ca, bullyingstatistics.org), Canadian teachers rate cyber bullying as their issue of highest concern (out of six listed options). Further, approximately 58% of kids and teens say they have had something negative said about or to them online. And 35% of kids say they've been threatened online.  — Read More —

The Essential Pots and Pans

How many pots and pans does the average home cook (notice I don't say chef) need? Most of us ending up buying our pots and pans in sets, which can be an excellent way to score a deal. But if you're like me, a bunch of those end up going unused, taking up precious storage space. — Read More —

A Valentine’s menu sure to get you lucky

I'm all for staying in on Valentine's Day. Why battle tight reservation schedules, pay higher prices or risk poor service? Besides, the following menu is not only easy to make but is sure to get you lucky in the bedroom. Or on the kitchen counter. Or both. See? Staying home is way more fun. — Read More —

Valentine’s Day Roundup

You can bury your head in the sand, maintain it's a hallmark holiday, proclaim death to love, but you aren't going to be able to avoid it. Valentine's day cometh! — Read More —

4 Skincare Mistakes That Are Making You Look Older

Google the words "skin care mistakes" and the list of clickable options goes on so long, it's hard to imagine there is anything more to to say on the subject. Especially for someone like me. — Read More —
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Tips for Working from Home (To Avoid Going Crazy!)

I HAVE TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! No, my caps are not locked. I am actually screaming right now. Like 1 in 5 Canadians, I work from home, spending the majority of my working hours at my desk, either on my computer or on my phone. — Read More —

No Grey Area In This Valentine’s Day Advice

If you're looking for something to do this Valentine's Day you can always line up to see the Fifty Shades of Grey movie, which hits Canadian theatres on February 14th. I'm certain it will be the date of choice for thousands of couples looking to add a little spice to their lives. It will also be well attended by middle aged single women oblivious to the day altogether. (Spoiler alert: There will be no full frontal.) — Read More —
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At Home Laser Hair Removal

I want to stop shaving my underarms. No, I'm not going all Madonna on you, I've been testing the Silkn’s Flash and Go at home hair removal unit for six months with the hopes of putting one tiresome grooming chore behind me.   — Read More —

Game Day Prep

I am the first to admit to being a fair-weather fan of any sport whose season culminates in a big game everyone wants to watch. The excitement in the air, the fascinating stories about world class athletes, behind the scenes drama and most importantly, it's a reason for me to cook for a bunch of my friends. — Read More —