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Happy Holidays!

Here’s wishing you and yours a very merry holiday season!  I look forward to continuing the conversation in 2016. Anna… — Read More —

What Your Fridge Says About You

Whenever I'm in someone else's kitchen I take the opportunity to snoop their refrigerator. It says a lot about the life they lead. Is it full of take-out containers of decaying chicken balls? That person doesn't cook, entertain or have custody of children. — Read More —

A Dose of Inspiration

I love a good book recommendation, though my bailiwick is usually fiction. But a friend* recently suggested I pick up the New York Times best seller, “Steal Like An Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative” by Austin Kleon. — Read More —

Is This Art? (I call it “I Stye”)

What do Kim Kardashian, Chris Hadfield, The Pope, Barack Obama, Ellen DeGeneres, you and I all have in common? — Read More —

Coping With Rejection

As anyone in any creative field can attest, facing and coping with rejection is endemic to the job. I’ve been fired, laid off, dumped, turned down and ignored umpteen times. — Read More —
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Mom’s The Word

With spring tulips comes Mother's Day. And on Mother's Day it's tradition to reach out to the maternal figure(s) in our lives with wishes of love and gratitude; be it with a card, some tulips or something more extravagant. A commercial holiday? Absolutely. But which ones aren't? — Read More —

Banishing Grey Days

I get my hair coloured every three to four weeks. Talk about high maintenance. The reason is that it needs to be this exact perfect shade of golden brown at all times. No, that's not true. Sigh. Okay, fine. It's because... because... I'm going quite grey! — Read More —
My classical french omelette with herbs

How To … Almost Everything

The best part of YouTube is not the funny cat videos. Hard to believe, I know. But no, the best part of YouTube is that now we can all learn how to be experts in absolutely everything. — Read More —
Press Photos Spring 2004 002

Can You Keep a Secret?

Benjamin Franklin wisely stated, “Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” — Read More —

Your Garden Awaits

If there is one thing I do not have it's a green thumb. And that's a shame because I do love a beautiful garden. Avid gardener or not, one of the fastest and most affordable ways to add visual appeal to your yard, doorway or deck is with planted flower pots. Here are 5 tips you need for designing your own: — Read More —

Soothing Sensitive Skin

Do you have sensitive skin? According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it’s an extremely common problem, affecting millions of people. — Read More —