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Happy Holidays!

Here’s wishing you and yours a very merry holiday season!  I look forward to continuing the conversation in 2016. Anna… — Read More —
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The Best Day of the Year

Halloween is just around the corner. It really is the perfect holiday. (It's not actually a holiday. But it should be.) You get to eat candy, you get to be whomever you want to be, you don't have to spend money on presents for people you hardly see or even like and there are no awkward family dynamics to deal with, because you don't have to spend time together if you don't want to. What's not to love? — Read More —

The Doors

I have a thing for doors. Not only they are very useful for when you want to go in and out of places (or hide stuff away) but I also love their look and unending variety. — Read More —


Anna’s 2-minute French Omelet

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There IS a doctor in the house!

You’re not feeling well. You’d get checked out but it’s the weekend and you don’t feel it’s urgent enough to go to a walk-in clinic or emergency. If only you had a doctor on your speed-dial for a quick diagnosis! — Read More —

Time to Kill…In Banff

The view from my hotel room in Banff says it all, doesn't it? It is so mind-bogglingly beautiful it's surreal. It is like the supermodel of landscapes; hard to believe and impossible to look away from. It looks more like a Disney set than real life. Except it is. — Read More —

What’s Up With Tat?

I'm seeing a new trend, one that has me scratching my head. Young women have taken to tattooing their legs. And I don't mean one of those wee dolphin tattoo on their ankle. I mean massive wrap-around-their-thighs tats or ones snaking up their entire legs. — Read More —
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Sporty Chic Girls, Our Time is Now

My sporting activities of choice are skiing and tennis. I also spend time at the gym, I run and I hike. All good forms of exercise, indeed. But you know what else those sports have in common? Great clothes. — Read More —

Time to Kill In… Lisbon

Portugal, and Lisbon in particular, has always been on my must-visit bucket list. The red-tiled roofs and twisty cobblestone streets I'd seen in photographs, not to mention the promise of haunting Fado music luring me into back alley bars, had me intrigued. It sounded so romantic, with just the right layer of patina. After spending one week there in August, the Portugal I saw experienced definitely lived up to my expectations. — Read More —
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Fave Moments of the Summer

As the sun sets on Summer 2014 I’m looking back on a season of exceptional weather, new horizons and overall hilarity. I went exploring, saw live music, hung out on the water, cooked and ate… — Read More —
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Doggy Treats for Posh Pups

Ballet dancer, model, stylist and fashion/design blogger. And now Kate Horsman is adding product line creator to her resume. — Read More —