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Happy Holidays!

Here’s wishing you and yours a very merry holiday season!  I look forward to continuing the conversation in 2016. Anna… — Read More —

Post Office Etiquette

On two occasions this week I found myself standing in line at the post office, mailing presents to friends and relatives in other parts of the world. I do it every Christmas, along with millions of other gift givers. How nice of us. What struck me this year is, we're all in need of a refresher in post office etiquette. — Read More —

What NOT to buy for Christmas

There are joke Christmas gifts. There are the “I didn’t put to much effort into this” gifts. And then there are the “OMG what’s wrong with you?!” gifts. Don't commit this festive season faux-pas. — Read More —

The Guest List (and how to get on it)

A freshly single mom friend of mine recently sang the blues about not getting invited to any Christmas parties. "Last year, when I was still part of a couple, I got invited to several parties from friends in my social network", she said, "but this year the invites have disappeared." I gave her a hug and welcomed her to her new reality. — Read More —
A&K's Holiday Gift List(2)

A&K’s Holiday Gift List 2014

It's no secret that we like to shop. But we actually LOVE to shop for other people. That's why this is one of our favourite times of year! Here's a list of our favourite gift ideas for this holiday season. — Read More —

Take Back Your Vacation

A vacation might be the most highly anticipated event of the year. It is a reward for hard work and a much needed respite from the stress, weather and general demands of every day life. Personally, I get so excited during the planning stage - anticipating all that I will do or not do, what I'll wear, eat, read and the fabulous people I'll meet -  that by the time I arrive at the airport, train station or rendezvous my expectations are sky high. And nothing can bring all that crashing down faster then arriving to a far less than acceptable place to rest your weary head. — Read More —


Easy Chicken Pasta Dinner

We all need that go-to pasta dish, one that warms the soul as well as the tummy. This one comes courtesy of my mom (who’s one of those wonderful, “just throw in a little of this and a little of that” type of chefs) and it couldn’t be any easier. — Read More —
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Time to Kill…in Scottsdale

Sometimes you've just got to get out of dodge. That was the case for me last week, when after another day of Vancouver autumn rain I just couldn't take it anymore. So I hopped a plane to the closest place I knew would be sunny: Scottsdale Arizona. — Read More —

Lessons Learned in 2014

I'm getting a jump on year end lists! With 2014 drawing to a close (just over 5 weeks til Christmas!!), I’ve been reflecting back on what I’ve learned in the previous 11 months and what my plans and goals are for 2015. This year has been challenging in many ways, but it was not without its rewards. — Read More —

Why Volunteering Pays

Remember that episode of Friends where Phoebe channels philosopher Immanual Kant and argues that there is no truly selfless act? — Read More —
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The New Superfood

I'm so over kale. A year ago kale was all anyone could talk about. Kale chips, kale caesar salad, kale toast. It's been all kale all the time. It was time to move on and I've done so, straight to the most over looked herb of all, parsley. — Read More —