Oscar Fashions – Male Edition
We've heard about the dresses (Jennifer Aniston rocks it again), John Travolta obsessions with Idina's Menzel's face and Neil Patrick Harris tepid performance as host at this year's Oscars. But one thing we haven't dissected nearly enough is what the GUYS were wearing!
In a sea of black tuxes, a few standouts for me. Not all of them necessarily good.
John Travolta and Liam Neeson, below, wore black on black on black, meaning black tux, black shirt and black tie. Don’t love. Maybe his white shirt was Taken?
Photo: Kevin Winter
I applaud David Oyelowo for daring to be different in this fiery number from Dolce and Gabbana. While I liked the tux itself I would have liked it better without the somewhat clashing cumberbatch.
Photo: Hollywood Reporter
This guy. Funny, fashionable and handsome. I know he’s wearing a basic tux but I have a big crush on him so I wanted to throw him in here. Chris, I’d totally fight intergalactic aliens with you!
Photo: Latin Times
Jesus Jared, what big feet you have! I have a soft spot for Jared because we share the same birthday (Go Capricorns!) Not everyone can pull off a power blue suit. Actually, no one can pull off a powder blue suit.
Photo: Getty Images
From one of the year’s most colourful films, Adrian Brody looked dashing in black and white. Though there’s something about a white jacket that makes me feel like ordering dinner.
Photo: Elle UK
Loved Common’s velvet Prada jacket and the way the white bow tie disappears into his shirt. Now that’s one tall cool drink of water.
Photo: EOnline
Eddie Redmayne looked sharp in a dark blue tux (hard to tell here) but I chose this image because it’s a good shot of his velvet smoking shoes. My theory is that adorable goes with everything.
Photo: Pop Sugar
Who’d I miss?
PS. All lame puns totally intended.
Top photo: US Magazine