My Christmas Photo Album
Back in the day, the day before smart phones with built in cameras, Christmas was one of the few times of year we remembered to take photos in my family. I'm betting it was the same at your house too. I love going back over the old pics, reflecting on the various Christmases: the meals, the guests, the presents and of course, the squabbles!
Here’s a round-up of Christmases over the past thirty (!) years.
The year (of one many) we spent Christmas up at Whistler. Here with some of my friends.
Circa 1989
The year my friend Effie came over at some point. (Bad pants!)
The year I did my first overnight news anchoring shift at what was then known as UTV. (Global TV today.) My first day on the desk was Christmas Eve! I didn’t mind. I was really excited to get the job.
Circa 1996
I basically remember nothing about this Christmas. Seems like a relatively happy one.
Zipping forward a bunch of years… (so much easier to find photos now that everything is digital!)
The year we decided to do a wig theme at our annual girls’ Christmas party??
Not technically Christmas but close enough! The year I went to New York after Christmas. Here with my friend Tracy.
The year we did a holiday photo shoot…
…And I got a dog magazine instead of a dog
The year Anna came for Christmas. How cute and young we look!
This was a big one. The year I got Ruby a few weeks before Christmas…
… my first Christmas with this guy. (I guess we forgot to tell him he could keep his shoes on.)
And the year we got a TON of snow in Vancouver!
The year Christmas day was beautiful and sunny, perfect for a family walk at the beach.
The year I made a crappy Christmas dessert. It wasn’t me, it was the recipe, I swear. They still haven’t let me live it down!
This was also the year my uncle Davor came from Croatia to spend the holidays. A tradition we are continuing this year. (My two uncles and my mom.)
I remember this Christmas well because a few days before, I got into a big fight with my mom. Then on Christmas Eve, she surprised me with this painting I wanted from local artist Athena Bax. I felt like a right pile of pooh.
The year my dad brought his crazy dog Max to my house for Christmas brunch. I don’t think he’s calmed down much yet.
The last year we spent Christmas with James’s dad. Sadly, he passed away four months later.
The year we ran into Santa at the pet store.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all the best wishes from my family to yours this holiday season. I’ll see you in the new year!
Top Photo: Christmas 2014