Lessons Learned in 2015
It’s that time of year again when I like to think back on the months past, reflect, and hopefully extract meaning from my experiences. To quote Confucius, as I often like to do, “By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is the noblest; second, by imitation, which is the easiest; and third, by experience, which is the bitterest.”
So what did I learn in 2015?
- When you paint over pumpkins, they can’t breath and will quite quickly ooze icky pumpkin goo, lasting a fraction of the time of unadulterated pumpkins.
2. Sicily is a lot more verdant and lush than I expected. Some regions are downright tropical.
3. I respond to emails faster than the average bear. I was repeatedly thanked for my “swift response” to this year. Yes, I’m busy too: I just like to get s*%t done!
4. Nope, didn’t have more fun.
5. Social Media Metrics, Photoshop and Excel all make my brain hurt, each in their own special ways.
6. Helping other people achieve their professional goals makes me really happy.
7. In my books, “The Girl on a Train” was the one of most overrated reads of the year. (Stay tuned for my annual reading list, out in a couple of weeks!)
8. Go with your gut. We’ve all heard this, but this year I really began listening to what my intuition was telling me, with positive results.
9. Hot in Cleveland is hilarious. Yes, it’s definitely speaking to my demo but it’s Betty White who gets most of the “spew your drink all over the place” zingers.
10. Putting yourself out there is scary, no question. But as with many pains, it lessens over time. And the rewards are great.