How to pose for photos
If you shy away from the camera because you don't think you take a good photo, think again. It could be all in the way you strike (or don't strike) a pose. We visited photographer Jonathan Cruz, who has worked with such celebrities as Michael Buble and Daryl Hannah, to learn how to pose properly.
Posing Basics:
Posture is important
Stand up straight as though you’re a marionette and someone is pulling up on a string attached to the top of your head.
- Keep your shoulders back (which also helps push your chest out, hint hint) to appear taller and slimmer.
Position your body
Don’t face the camera directly. Instead, tilt your hips away from the camera, while keeping your shoulders facing back toward the camera, though not square on. This trick helps create a slimming effect.
Avoid facing your hips square on to the camera, which creates an illusion of wideness.
Step one foot in front of the other, whichever feels more comfortable with your hip tilt. This also helps create the illusion of a slim silhouette.
Face Facts
Point your face toward the light source (e.g. the sun or lighting) for a more flattering look.
If you face away from the light, you may end up with dark shadows across your face.
Avoid lifting your chin up, especially if you’re trying to hide a double chin, since this can do the opposite, leading to a photo that highlights your neck instead of one that focuses your face. It can also give us an unflattering view up your nose.
Lower your face as you look toward the camera and tilt your head ever so slightly. This will give your face a more heart-shaped, longer look.
- To minimize a double chin, make sure you’re standing up straight with your shoulders back. Avoid hunching over or slouching. If you’re looking at the camera straight-on, think about pushing your forehead toward the camera, which has the effect of stretching out your under-chin area. It may feel weird (and it looks a little like E.T. from the side view), but it really works!
Hand to hand
Position your hands on a part of your body you want to highlight (e.g. on your waist to highlight an hourglass shape).
Relax your hands and allow yourself to place them as you naturally would.
Avoid putting your hands near a part of your body you want to hide (e.g. down at your sides highlights your thighs).
- Also avoid showing the back of your hand square to the camera, which can makethem look overly large.
Camera? What camera?
Try not to be too conscious of the camera or get too pose-y.
- Have fun and be yourself!