Fight Cruelty with Kindness
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
That’s one of my favourite quotes and one that definitely comes to mind when I think about the BC SPCA’s year long Million Acts of Kindness campaign. The premise is this: even a small act of kindness can change an animal’s life forever. So imagine if we all banded together and decide to each perform an act of kindness? Or better yet, if we each performed one act every week?
The BC SPCA is hoping to add up a million of these acts in BC this year. Every week, they suggest a different act on the Million Acts website. They’re not huge things, like adopt five cats or open your own bird sanctuary. They’re small doable actions, like buying BC SPCA approved eggs at the grocery store or dropping off some animal friendly toys at your local shelter. Here’s some more inspiration:
A big thanks to everyone who helped make this video – DOP Brian Beard, audio Sparky Pitkethly, editor Lauren Bercovitch and musician/composer Chris Kelly. And can you guess who did the voice over?
It’s super easy to get involved. You can sign up for free at millionacts.ca. (There’s a counter at the top of the website, we’re already one tenth of the way there, which is pretty awesome.) You can also help by spreading the word. Post your “felfie” – a selfie with your pet – on social media, as Anna and I did above, using the hashtag #millionacts. And, you can also post a video, I like one I made on my iPhone below.
Ruby is super excited than I’m involved. She just looks bored. Honest.