Fessing up
Leafing through Hello Canada magazine recently, I saw a spread with Jerry Hall in which she said she would never have plastic surgery. Wow, Jerry, you sure look great! Then I cracked open People Magazine, which trumpets 47-year-old Demi Moore's beauty. I agree, she looks remarkable - dare I say it - for her age. And apparently she's never had plastic surgery either. Hmm...
There are many procedures, just short of the knife, that can do much to alter appearance. We’re looking into a bunch of them on our show, Anna and Kristina’s Beauty Call, in a segment we internally call “Uncut”.
Things like Botox, or fillers like Juvederm and Restylane, are all the rage for reducing the appearance of wrinkles and plumping up the skin. (These are often referred to as non-invasive procedures, though having a needle jabbed into you seems quite invasive to me.) Not to mention all manner of lasers that purport to do everything from reducing cellulite, trimming fat, resurfacing and tightening skin, all to give patients a more youthful appearance.
Celebrity Reality
So I call on celebrities to get off their high horses. Okay, ladies and gents, maybe you’ve never had big, bad plastic surgery per se, but many of you have had SOMETHING done. Are you really trying to convince us your looks are completely God-given, enhanced only by exercise and clean living?
Come on. Let’s get real. How about if I start?
I have firmed up a bit in recent years and I’m probably more toned than I’ve ever been before. Hard work and discipline you ask? Well, partly. Paying a trainer twice a week is more like it. If I don’t show up, I’m still charged the money. I’m not sure if it is discipline or the reluctance to be out of pocket that keeps me in shape. But either way, I wouldn’t look this way on my own.
Okay, big whoop. Lots of people have trainers these days — they’re practically the new therapists.
Hairy Secrets
Here’s another one that won’t be a shocker: I dye my hair, probably every 3 to 4 weeks, to cover up all my grey. Not sure what I’d look like if I let the grey go, but I’m betting my last highlight I’d look much older than my 40 years.
Still on the subject of hair, I’ve had a few people write in recently asking me how I manage to get my very fine, thin hair to look so lush on camera.

My clip-in hair extensions
Sorry folks, there’s no magic potion out there. At least not one I’ve found.
When you see me on TV or in pictures, that’s not hair I was born with. Every morning, our make-up and hair stylist Yasmin clips in my secret: four wefts of real hair to plump up my existing sorry locks. These clip-in extensions increase the quantity of hair on my head by over 100%. It’s the best $450 I ever spent.
Face Facts
In addition to fastening in my fake hair, she spends at least half an hour applying make-up to get me camera-ready.
Think my eyes are popping a bit more because of a great new mascara? Nope. I’m testing the eyelash growing serum “Latisse” for the show. Yes, I’m using drugs to enhance the length of my eyelashes.
Also for the show, I recently had two rounds of IPL (Intense Pulse Light) on my chest to treat brown spots and other aging unmentionables. To be clear, I vainly and eagerly signed up for both these tests. (Stay tuned to the show for full reports on both.)
Group Effort
It takes a village, not to mention some lush hair pieces, to get me camera-ready. So don’t tell me, you celebrities, that you’ve had nothing done. Just because a scalpel wasn’t involved, doesn’t mean you wake up looking this way.
~ Kristina
P.S. Anna has nothing to hide either. Check out her blog “Facing 40″.

Before & After