Buying and Selling a breez?
I donate things to charity, take things to local consignment stores and sell stuff on both Craigslist and eBay. I luuuv getting rid of stuff, and if I can make a buck or two to put towards a future purchase, so much the better.
Consignment shops have the advantage of traffic, lots of shoppers coming in to find that diamond in the rough. The disadvantage is they take quite a big cut of the total sale price, usually between 50 and 60%.
Craigslist can be a great way to get find and sell things, but as those familiar can attest, you have to go through a lot of ugly ducklings to find what you’re looking for. Plus arranging to meet strangers can be tricky. (I’ve sold stuff at my local Starbucks.)
eBay let’s you keep most of the profits and it opens you up to the huge worldwide marketplace. But figuring out postage, not to mention making that trip to the post office, can be a hassle.
All this is why I was excited to learn about a new free app called breez. It was started by five partners out of Vancouver, all entrepreneurs with backgrounds in tech, finance and start-ups.
Vancouver’s resident fashion expert Susie Wall is the company’s creative director and, full disclosure, married to one of the partners.
“breez is a shop and sell style marketplace with a focus on home and fashion. Just how Uber connects drivers with clients or AirB&B brings owners together with like-minded renters, we connect shoppers and sellers in a safe, socially-savvy platform focused on Vancouver,” says Susie.
So here’s how it works. You download the free app and sign up. Create a profile, much as you would on any app or social media platform. You can then start loading pictures of items you want to sell, including product information and price.
Despite the focus on clothing, jewelry and housewares, I did spot a vehicle, a Range Rover no less, posted on the site.
“As long as it’s cool, we want you to post it. If it’s in good shape and you don’t need it, we want you to #breezIt,” says Susie.
I definitely found it easy to use, as you can upload pictures from your phone without having to go to your laptop and without having to re-post on Craiglist every day to stay near the top of the feed.
“We noticed that Vancouver needed something better, easier to use, more socially intuitive and more geo-centric,” says Susie. “I don’t use Craigslist because I don’t want to interact with strangers, which is a major roadblock for a lot of potential users, especially women. To solve this issue, we’ve opened a breez Trading Post in Vancouver’s Armoury district, which works like a pop-up.”
The stores will be open once or twice a week, depending on demand. You’ll be able to drop off your items to be sold, or you can arrange to meet with buyers there, a secure place.
“We also offer a concierge service, which other apps of this genre do not. Our style team will collect your items from your house, steam, shoot, bag, bin and store them at a secure facility. When a transaction begins, we will sell your item on your behalf at the Trading Post. The process could not be easier for the seller. You should see some of this product we’re rolling out – our rolling racks are like backstage at fashion week.”
If you opt the concierge route, breez will take a 30% cut of the sale.
Another feature that I like is that if you see items you like, you can follow that particular seller – there maybe more where that came from. (Susie, I’m talking about you.)
Currently, breez is only available in Vancouver but the plan is to roll out in other cities like Toronto, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
I’ve posted two dresses under my breez name, KrisMatis. So far, no takers, but lots of lookie loos. Of course, the more people who sign up and start browsing, the greater the chance my super awesome dresses – and anything of yours – will sell too.