Apple Watch Out!
In case you haven't heard (like we're not rubbing it in enough?) us lucky West coasters are enjoying early spring-like conditions here. And just in time for this most exciting season in a woman's closet, Apple has come out with its new WATCH.
Yup, you heard it heard first. I so love it when I have breaking news!
Apple unveiled its latest – and what they’re calling they’re most personal – product to date. Personal because, unlike your cell phone, you will actually want to carry this thing around with you ALL THE TIME!
As per the Apple website, one of the watch’s main features is going to be that it’s going to tell time! Not just any old time but like precise time, global standard time. Take that, mobile devices! (Please excuse the over-abundance of exclamation points in this blog. Clearly, I’m SUPER excited!!)
It’s also taking alerts to a whole to level. Instead of those irritating chirps or vibrations, this watch is going to give you a friendly little tap – a slap on the wrist shall we say – that demands, “ANSWER ME DAMN IT!”
It’s going to be so fun to send my heartbeat to my friends and family to let them know I’m still alive. Can’t you see the convo now? “Yes mom, I’m fine. Didn’t you get my heartbeat?”
My favourite thing about the watch is the way it looks. It’s going to KILL with my sheath dress and stilettos at my next meeting. (Well, not next meeting because it doesn’t come out until April 24th. I really hope someone wants to have a meeting with me before then.)
The one thing I do like about it is the fitness applications that work in conjunction with your iPhone. Fitbit watch out. A pricey new competitor is nipping at your heels! It’s going to track your activity, encourage you to stand up more during the day and tell you to drop down and give it 10.
Okay fine. I do like the Rose Gold edition, as seen below. 18-Karat Rose Gold, Sapphire Crystal, Retina Display, Ceramic Back, Modern Buckle Rose Grey Leather, 18-Karat Rose Gold Buckle. Now you’re speaking my style, Apple! Oh, what? It’s $22,000? Hmm. Never mind.
The base model starts at $449 Canadian. And note that it needs to tether to an iPhone for full functionality. Which you can buy at the iStore and take it back to your iHouse.
I mock it now. There was a time when I also snubbed cell phones because I wanted to remain a free spirit. So if you see me rocking an Apple watch in the years to come, feel free to say “I told you so.” Or better yet, send me a wrist slap.
I’m curious – Are you buying in?